Cyber-Vacation Trip II

Day 4 - Boston, Providence, Mystic

Cheers from Boston City!!!  We left Porstmouth, New Hampshire at 12:00 p.m.and went straight to Harvard in Cambridge.

My Mom was our tour guide.
Instead of Harvard, we ended up in the Saucony Factory Outlet.
The wonderful rowhouses on Commonwealth Avenue
Cheers Bar on Beacon Road
Cheers !!!
Trying the Cheers cap on
Inside the gift shop
The Captain of the Ship
Sea Creatures in Children's Museum
Boston Tea Party Ship
The Government Building in Providence, R.I.
Waiting to go to The Cheesecake Factory
Providence Place in Rhode Island - it's a cool place to shop....huge, too.
The Maravilla's home in Mystic, Connecticut
Jeffry Boy
Chona & Tercy (Val's Sister) in Connecticut
The kids enjoying the Nintendo Games w/ Shaira
Wasupppp!!! With Kuya Tito.