Cyber-Vacation Trip II

Day 6 - New York, New York

We started the day with a drive from Tita Inia's place in New Jersey to Manhattan
which took us 2 hours with the heavy traffic in the Lincoln Tunnel area.

View of the Statue of Liberty from the south tip of Manhattan (Battery Park)
Laurna & Tita Auring with the Statue and Ellis Island in the background.
 Laurna as Miss Liberty
Hanging out with the real NYPDs.
The Empire State Building 
On Top of The Empire.
Our view from the top of the Empire State
Times Square - no room to walk.
Learning about the Times Square inside
the T.S. Visitor Centre
The TS Visitor centre.
Caitlyn...The NYC Cow-Cab Driver
Look who we found in Port Authority???
Tito Manny (with Dad)
We went to dinner and Tito Manny suggested the Bangkok Cuisine.  Great food. 
Thank you so much, Tito Manny for the wonderful dinner treat !!!