Cyber-Vacation Trip II

Day 3 - Vermont-Maine-New Hampshire

After a long night everyone woke up late. 
The day started with an hour long swim.

We drove around Burlington, Vermont and took a view of the great Lake Champlain and the waterfront. Then head to the "Maine Attraction" of the trip....the Factory Outlet.

My Dad enjoyed the long drive through the endless mountains and forest  in Vermont while everybody else enjoyed the nap after a snack in the van.

We passed in a smaller highway in New Hampshire, passing some campsites and an occasional wonderful sight of the lake beside the highway.

It took us almost 3 hours to reach Kittery, Maine.

We reached the Kittery, Maine Outlet at 4:00 p.m.
With 2 hours left to shop, everyone was in a rush.
The kids got their treats from Old Navy and Toy Liquidators
Here is the happy shopper, Laura...
in the Old Navy outlet store
Our day ended in Portsmouth, New Hampshire
>>> just like the way it started... with a swim
Laurna enjoyed the warm water in the pool.
I have to be in the video somehow but nobody wants to shoot my to do it on my own.
Our day did not go as planned (as a day in Boston) but with the breakfast in Vermont, the shopping and dinner in Maine and late swim in New sure is a good trade-off.
We decided to make Boston as part of our Day 4. We will pass by Rhode Island & Connecticut on our way to New York, too.