The Beaches Jazz Festival

It was suppose to be 31 degrees in Toronto but the
clouds and the breeze made it feel much more comfortable to watch the bands
in the jazzfest at the beaches.

Charmaine is cooling down with her ice cream while
Caitlyn plays with Diva. Mom and Dad is enjoying the Jazz.

Caitlyn and Diva hoppin' and jazzin' to the beat.
Granda feels like dancing, too.
Grandma check out the food and souvenirs stalls around
the Kew Garden.

We stopped and see the performers in the boardwalk
then we head down to the beach.

"Don't wet your pants! (Mom) ....Okay! Okay! (Charmaine
& Caitlyn)

But they wet it anyways. "Blame it on the waves
splashing on the rocks," they said.

Diva decided to plunge into the water, too.

The Beaches and Jazz....they blend well.
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