Snow Tubing in Lakeridge
Part II
....and Night Skiing, too!

Charmaine, Gellie and Michelle with Tito Romie (sideview)
lining up for the tube ride.

Caitlyn with Nadji, Tita Rowie & Michelle Big behind her.
In a distant background are Charmaine, Gel, Michelle, Tito Romie & Tita Ellen.

Mom, Caitlyn & Dad

Dad on his way uphill on the tube.

Right behind ya! Mom on the tube lift.  Tita Rowie is the first left row.

Yipeee!!!!  Charmaine & the kids in group of five.

Mom & Tita Rowie having somuch fun!!!

Tita Rowie's officemate, Michelle and son Nadji.

Charmaine with Gabriel, Randal, Nadji and Kuya Mark (on his belly) while Michelle looks on in the back.

Hang Loose!!!!

Night Skiing - Mark and Caitlyn with the Dagmar Resort hill in the background.

It was a little darker but the mogul side was so much fun.
If I can do it, Dad can do it!!!  -  Caitlyn