Cyber-Vacation Trip II

Day 7 - Washington, D.C.

 We left Tita Inia's place at 8:30 am and head straight to the Capitol Hill
Tita Auring & Laura in front of the Capitol Building.
 The sun was burning hot which makes walking tour harder.  There was an hour- long line up for tour inside so we opted not to go.
Inside the Main Hall of the Union Station 
Front of the Union Station. We enjoyed the shops inside the station.
 Arlington Cemetery in Virginia
For Jaypee.
JFK grave site
The grave of President. John F. Kennedy
Caitlyn & Laurna in front of the White House
The Washington Monument taken from the Ellipse.
Thanks to Tita Inia for her hospitality in our 2 night stay at Inia Inn in New Jersey.

We enjoyed your company and our stay in your time-shared style condo.

Your the best !!!

Checkin' in the Holiday Inn Washington Central...
8 blocks away North of the White House 
Happy Birthday Tatay !!!